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Sunday, July 28, 2024

Items of interest

 A couple of interesting papers that I came across this week:

  • There is long been an interest in purely electronic cooling techniques (no moving parts!) that would work at cryogenic temperatures.  You're familiar with ordinary evaporative cooling - that's what helps cool down your tea or coffee when you blow across the top if your steaming mug, and it's what makes you feel cold when you step out of the shower.  In evaporative cooling, the most energetic molecules can escape from the liquid into the gas phase, and the remaining molecules left behind reestablish thermal equilibrium at a lower temperature.  One can make a tunnel junction between a normal metal and a superconductor, and under the right circumstances, the hottest (thermally excited) electrons in the normal metal can be driven into the superconductor, leading to net cooling of the remaining electrons in the normal metal.  This is pretty neat, but it's had somewhat limited utility due to relatively small cooling power - here is a non-paywalled review that includes discussion of these approaches.  This week, the updated version of this paper went on the arXiv, demonstrating in Al/AlOx/Nb junctions, it is possible to cool from about 2.4 K to about 1.6 K, purely via electronic means.  This seems like a nice advance, especially as the quantum info trends have pushed hard on improving wafer-level Nb electronics.
  • I've written before about chirality-induced spin selectivity (see the first bullet here).  This is a still poorly understood phenomenon in which electrons passing through a chiral material acquire a net spin polarization, depending on the handedness of the chirality and the direction of the current.  This new paper in Nature is a great demonstration.  Add a layer of chiral perovskite to the charge injection path of a typical III-V multiple quantum well semiconductor LED, and the outcoming light acquires a net circular polarization, the sign of which depends on the sign of the chirality.  This works at room temperature, by the way.  

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