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Monday, June 19, 2023

Food and (broadly speaking) fluid mechanics - great paper!

This paper (author's website pdf here, arxiv version here) is just a spectacularly good review article about fluid mechanics (broadly defined to include a bit about foams and viscoelastic systems) and food/drink.  The article is broadly structured like a menu (drinks & cocktails for multiphase flows; soups & starters for complex fluids; hot entrees for thermal effects; desserts for viscous flows; coffee for granular effects; tea for suspensions and mixing; and dishwashing for flows at interfaces).  

I know I'm a particular niche demographic, in that I'm a scientist who likes cooking and actually had mech-e training in fluid mechanics, but trust me:  this article is just excellent, touching on a ton of interesting phenomena that you can play with in your own kitchen, while making connections to cutting-edge ongoing research.  

Update:  APS Physics has a Q&A with the first author here.

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