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Thursday, April 08, 2021

"Fireside Chat" about Majoranas

Along with Zeila Zanolli, tomorrow (Friday April 9) I will be serving as a moderator for a "fireside chat" about Majorana fermions being given by Sergey Frolov and Vincent Mourik.   This is being done as a zoom webinar (registration info here), at 11am EDT.   Should be an interesting discussion - about 20 minutes of presentation followed by q & a.  

Update:  Here is a youtube link to a version that includes the intro talk piece from the second (April 16) chat, and the Q&A from both the April 9 and April 16 events.  Alas, this edit means that you miss my and Zelia's glittering introduction, but I bet you'll get over it.


Steve said...

Good job moderating! (I couldn't stay to the very end, but what I saw was really nice).

Douglas Natelson said...

Thanks. Tricky, since the questions ranged from research culture to publication ethics to detailed physics issues to broad non-expert context topics. I hope all is well over there - we should catch up sometime!

Anonymous said...

Will this be uploaded somewhere? I'd like to be able to listen!

Douglas Natelson said...

Anon, there is a second one of these being run at a more friendly time for Asia+Australia this Friday Apr 16. After that, Sergey and Vincent are going to post the recordings somewhere. I'll update accordingly when I have the information.

Zain Liaquat said...

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