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Sunday, September 10, 2017

DOE Experimental Condensed Matter PI meeting, 2017

The Basic Energy Sciences program is part of the US Department of Energy's Office of Science, and they are responsible for a lot of excellent science research funding.  The various research areas within BES have investigator meetings every two years, and at the beginning of this coming week is the 2017 PI meeting for the experimental condensed matter physics program.  As I've done in past years,  I will try to write up a bulleted list of things I learn.   (See here, here, and here for the 2013 meeting; see here, here, here, and here for the 2015 meeting).

Good luck and stay safe to those in Florida about to get hit by Hurricane Irma.  It's very different than Harvey (much more of a concern about wind damage and storm surge, much less about total rainfall), but still very dangerous.

Lastly, Amazon seems to have my book available for a surprisingly low price right now ($62, though the list is $85).  I (and my publisher) still have no idea how they can do this without losing money.  

1 comment:

xykademiqz said...

I also have DOE BES funds (not same program as you) and I agree that the PI meetings are always very enjoyable and very useful. Lots of great science and fantastic networking, especially with the "big players" who may be hard to pin down at conferences, but no one misses the PI meeting! :-)