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Sunday, September 18, 2016

Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science, posting

Tomorrow I'll be a participant in an all-day workshop that Rice's Center for Teaching Excellence will be hosting with representatives from the Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science - the folks responsible for the Flame Challenge, a contest about trying to explain a science topic to an 11-year-old.  I'll write a follow-up post sometime soon about what this was like.

I'm in the midst of some major writing commitments right now, so posting frequency may slow for a bit.  I am trying to plan out how to write some accessible content about some recent exciting work in a few different material systems. 



Anonymous said...

Doug, a request please. Could you please write a special post honoring the memory of Deborah Jin, in particular, the significance of her work in cold atom physics? I just feel the public deserves to know more about her so as to honor her memory.

Douglas Natelson said...

Oh my goodness - I'd been traveling and hadn't heard about this! Gah. That's awful. I'll try to work something up, though I am by no means the best person to do this.