Another property of a conventional metal: At low temperatures, the temperature-dependent part of the resistivity is dominated by electron-electron scattering, which in turn is limited by the number of empty electronic states that are accessible (e.g., not already filled and this forbidden as final states due to the Pauli principle). The number of excited electrons (that in a conventional metal called a Fermi liquid act roughly like ordinary electrons, with charge −e and spin 1/2) is proportional to T, and therefore the number of empty states available at low energies as "targets" for scattering is also proportional to T, leading to a temperature-varying contribution to the resistivity proportional to T2.
A bad metal is one in which some or all of these assumptions fail, empirically. That is, a bad metal has gapless excitations, but if you analyze its electrical properties and tried to model them conventionally, you might find that the ℓ that you infer from the data might be small compared to a lattice spacing. This is called violating the Ioffe-Mott-Regel limit, and can happen in metals like rutile VO2 or LaSrCuO4 at high temperatures.
A strange metal is a more specific term. In a variety of systems, instead of having the resistivity scale like T2 at low temperatures, the resistivity scales like T. This happens in the copper oxide superconductors near optimal doping. This happens in the related ruthenium oxides. This happens in some heavy fermion metals right in the "quantum critical" regime. This happens in some of the iron pnictide superconductors. In some of these materials, when some technique like photoemission is applied, instead of finding ordinary electron-like quasiparticles, a big, smeared out "incoherent" signal is detected. The idea is that in these systems there are not well-defined (in the sense of long-lived) electron-like quasiparticles, and these systems are not Fermi liquids.
There are many open questions remaining - what is the best way to think about such systems? If an electron is injected from a boring metal into one of these, does it "fractionalize", in the sense of producing a huge number of complicated many-body excitations of the strange metal? Are all strange metals the same deep down? Can one really connect these systems with quantum gravity? Fun stuff.
Thank you for taking the time to put together this post, and many others like it. Condensed matter physics sorely needs such accessible expositions!
Hi Doug,
Thanks for posting about bad metals. They deserve more attention.
This post might be of interest. It references a recent preprint
Absence of a quantum limit to charge diffusion in bad metals
that shows results that are inconsistent with the proposals based on techniques from quantum gravity.
Thanks for this post. Seems like there’s always something new I learn even after being in the field for 25 years...
Thanks for the supportive words, everyone. Ross, I had just seen the preprint on the arxiv and placed it in my queue to read. I'm curious about your DMFT approach in the single-band Hubbard model. Can you calculate other quantities, specifically the shot noise in some model configuration? Or the shot noise at the interface between a boring metal (nearly free electron gas) and such a Hubbard model? Please pardon if these are dumb questions, as I know little about how these calculations are performed numerically.
Hi Doug,
Thanks for the interest.
Your questions are not dumb, but profound and difficult.
Calculating bulk equilibrium (including linear response) properties such as conductivity are "straight-forward" in DMFT. It involves a self-consistent solution of an Anderson impurity model, i.e. it is of comparable difficulty to the Kondo problem in a quantum dot.
I presume you want shot noise in an out-of-equilibrium problem (i.e. non-linear in voltage) and mesoscopic situation. This has not been explicitly been done before with DMFT, but is certainly not beyond the realm of possibility. People have done out of equilibrium DMFT and DMFT for nano structures.
Why do you ask? Are these experiments you or others may do soon?
Hi, Ross - As you inferred, I've been thinking about experiments in this area. I'll be in touch via email to discuss this, if you're interested.
Bad metal and strange metal concepts are explained so well and such understandable way. The questions raised at the end of the post were really interesting. I would really like to seek answers for them.
Dear Douglas,
I very much enjoy reading your posts, please keep up the great work!
In colloquia I very often see a picture of the "hole-doped cuprate phase diagram" (e.g. google images first hit) pass by. This includes the strange metal phase. I am very happy to finally hear a clear explanation of you of what it means to be a strange metal. However, I have never really understood all the features and phases in the diagram and why it behaves in the way presented on the hole doping and temperature.
Hence my question: do you know of any good sources where this phase diagram is explained extensively? Or perhaps you could have a go at it in a blog post?
Erik [condensed-matter graduate student]
anything to do with Rydberg atoms?
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