Two papers appeared on the arxiv this week, back-to-back, taking this to the next level. In condensed matter physics some of the most powerful techniques, in terms of learning about material properties and how they emerge, involve scattering. That is, taking some probe (say visible light, x-rays, electrons, or neutrons) with a well-defined energy and momentum, firing it at a target of interest, and studying the scattered waves to learn about the target. A related approach involves interferometery, where the propagation of waves (detected through changes in amplitude and phase) is sensitive to the local environment.
The two preprints (this one and this one) establish that it is now possible to use magnons in both approaches. This will likely open up a new route for characterizing and understanding micro- and nanoscale magnetic materials, which will be extremely useful (since, as I had to explain to a referee on a paper several years ago, it's actually not possible to use neutron scattering to probe a few-micron wide, few nm thick piece of material.) In the former paper, magnons in yttrium iron garnet (a magnetic insulator called YIG, not to be confused with Yig, the Father of Serpents) are launched toward and scattered from a patch of permalloy film, and the scattered waves are detected and imaged sensitively. In the latter, propagation and interference of magnons in YIG waveguides is imaged. The great enabling technology for both of these impressive experiments has been the development over the last decade or so in the use of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond as incredibly sensitive magnetometers. Very pretty stuff.
Can't resonant x-rays measure spin excitations like this on small samples too? They can't get the phase sure, but the spin wave dispersion in um sized thin films is possible with resonant x-rays
Anon, true, though you need a synchrotron for that, along with micro-scale x-ray focusing. I'm no expert on RIXS; if someone has a reference for a good review about its capabilities for magnetic studies, that would be much appreciated.
I recall that the Brookhaven RIXS beam line has a 14um × 1um beam spot.
Regarding a review, these papers come to mind
This next paper is good, but is quickly getting outdated due to how fast RIXS is moving
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