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Thursday, July 05, 2012

congratulations to my high energy colleagues

I'll post something else later now that I'm back from travel, but in the meantime, congratulations to my high energy colleagues on the discovery of what is most likely some form of the Higgs boson.  A monumental effort.  Let the Nobel speculation (about who should share it w/ Higgs, and whether it should be this year or wait for further confirmation) begin!  Oh, and see the image at right (not an original) for my feelings about Leon Lederman's term for this particle.  (If you don't get it, and don't mind bad language, see here at around the 4:50 mark.)


DanM said...

I think the high energy folks are having all the fun this week.

Anonymous said...

on the other hand, here in TN, aka the bible belt, people are in fact asking about a relation between this particle and god...

Either I'm missing a big tongue in their cheek, or I am correctly flabbergasted...

Anyway, time for a few properly placed comments in the online newspaper here!

Douglas Natelson said...

Massimo, while it may be deserved, I think the odds of Phil picking up a share of this are only slightly higher than the odds of me finding a supersymmetric particle in the cushions of my couch.