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Friday, February 17, 2012

Meme contest

There's a new meme floating around the web these days. Here's an example:

I'd like to propose a contest for a version of this for "Physicist", or even better, "Condensed Matter Physicist", "Nanotechnologist", or something along those lines. Put up some nominations (links in the comments), and I'll have voting to pick a winner.


DanM said...

So you want your readers to ponder the meme-ing of life?

Anonymous said...

ROA.D. said...

Imma get at you on tha real for a minute tho nate... Ya boy anon killed it, b. He killed it!

Douglas Natelson said...

Anon, that was just awesome. Excellent. I tried my hand at one myself:
but yours is better.

Lior Ella said...

OK,I know this is an old post, but perhaps you'll appreciate this meme:

which I put in the notes of a quantum mechanics recitation on the ammonia molecule. I hope that maybe now the students will remember that interaction splits degeneracies...