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Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to my readers.  Posts will pick up again in 2010.  In the mean time, you might be amused by a couple of science-y gifts I got this holiday season.  I've got a great science museum-type demo in mind inspired by this desk toy, and no lab should ever be without a sonic screwdriver.  Finally, while not strictly science-related, this is very funny, containing such gems as Super Monkey Collider Loses Funding.  


rob said...

it's a shame about the monkey collider. the experiment would have been very important to science. unfortunately it is also an example of very poor science journalism. the photo of the supercollider includes two chimps, which are NOT monkeys. in the future, if the collider gets refunded, i would suggest using tamarinds. (especially the cute ones with the handle bar mustaches!) they are less massive and would be easier to accelerate to near light speed.

happy new year!

rohan said...

I think I want a job colliding monkeys.
Happy new year!

Douglas Natelson said...

...and while Congress cuts DOE's support for monkey colliding, DOD is still able to fund their pet project. Ahh well. We all know that science is hard.

Douglas Natelson said...

By the way, the paper that the Onion used in their Science is Hard article is this one, which I'd actually read. How scary is that.

Anzel said...

Being at Rice, how could a person NOT get some Buckyballs?

They should get some of those in the bookstore. Then there would be something I'd actually buy.

cccwind said...


DanM said...

Ok, I meant 9/12/01.