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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

This week in the arxiv

A couple of interesting papers, two about graphene and one about a weird fluid mechanics effect.

arxiv:0805.1830 - Bolotin et al., Temperature dependent transport in suspended graphene
It's become clear over the last year that a lot of what was limiting the measured electrical transport properties of graphene sheets had to do with interactions between the graphene and the underlying substrate (usually SiO2). Now multiple groups have started preparing suspended graphene membranes (supported around the edges by oxide) overhanging underlying gate electrodes. By ramping up the current through the suspended membrane, the graphene sheet can be resistively heated in vacuum up to a temperature sufficient to desorb residual contaminants, and electronic properties can be measured without substrate effects. In this paper the Columbia group demonstrates that extremely high mobilities are then possible (well over 100000 cm2/Vs), and by examining the temperature and gate dependence of the conduction they can understand the scattering mechanisms at work as well as residual disorder in the system. Very clean looking data.

- Booth et al., Macroscopic graphene membranes and their extraordinary stiffness
The Manchester group has also been very busy. In this paper they show a cute technique to produce large (say 0.1mm in diameter) graphene sheets in a form that's easy to suspend and handle. Basically instead of abrading or cleaving graphite into graphene on top of oxidized Si, they do so on top of Si coated with a layer of e-beam resist. An additional layer of a different sensitivity resist is put on top and patterned, followed by metal deposition. The metal layer forms a frame that goes around the previously identified graphene sheet, and the metal is then used as a seed layer to deposit a more robust Cu layer via electrochemistry. Finally, the original resist layer is dissolved, freeing the graphene+Cu frame for manipulation. They then further study the mechanical properties of these suspended layers, finding that single sheets of graphene are indeed very stiff - much more so than you might think, since they're 1 atom thick. The technique is elegant, and there is one particularly impressive TEM image. Nice SuperSTEM that they have over there in Cheshire.

arxiv:0805.0490 - Amjadi et al., A liquid film motor
Hat tip to arxivblog for pointing this out to me. These folks at Sharif University in Iran have found that DC electric fields can make soap films flow in very interesting and controllable ways. They suggest a few possible mechanisms for this kind of electrohydrodynamic motion, but conclude that none of them are entirely satisfactory. The paper has a minor rendering problem with Fig. 4, but you should definitely watch the movies on their webpage. Very dramatic! Soft CM physics can be inspiring - here's a visually impressive phenomenon that might actually be useful in fluidic applications, and the whole experiment is simple, elegant, and inexpensive. No exotic apparatus required.


Anonymous said...

totally awesome!

Anonymous said...

Doug, can anyone else produce graphene except Kim&Stormer and Geim?

Anonymous said...

Doug, can anyone else produce graphene except Kim&Stormer and Geim?

Douglas Natelson said...

Sylow - yes. Mike Fuhrer has done some nice work (here, too) on mobility measurements and tracking down scattering mechanisms. Jeanie Lau at Riverside has also been getting nice results looking at quantum coherence effects in graphene nanostructures. That's just two off the top of my head.

Anonymous said...

in that fluids paper, isn't the
direction of the electric field
wrong (as shown on Figure 1) ?