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Monday, January 07, 2008


Like many physicists, given my druthers I'd write everything in LaTeX, but there are times when it's necessary to write large documents (like proposals) in Word. While LaTeX has the BibTeX bibliography management tool, in Word the main choice is EndNote, the offering from ISI (the folks who do Web of Knowledge). EndNote isn't too bad, but there are times when it's dreadfully painful, particularly if you're merging documents with contributions from multiple authors, each with their own EndNote library. This afternoon I had to upgrade to version X1 - the joys of planned obsolescence, since I couldn't read the libraries of my colleagues with more recent versions than mine. What a racket. I wonder if the new version is smart enough to read article numbers (as in PRL) as page numbers, instead of me having to type them in by hand.


Anonymous said...

(ot) Did you write this? Sounds like you...

Douglas Natelson said...

No, but I could have! For those that can't see the whole link, here it is. Probably this was written by another reader of Tufte.

Anonymous said...

I used biblioscape years ago, and much preferred it. I have no idea how it compares to endnote today, but 5 years ago, it was much better.