It's been another exciting week where I feel compelled to write about the practice of university-based research in the US. I've written about "indirect costs" before, but it's been a while. I will try to get readers caught up on the basics of the university research ecosystem in the US, what indirect costs are, the latest (ahh, the classic Friday evening news dump) from NIH, and what might happen. (A note up front: there are federal laws regulating indirect costs, so the move by NIH will very likely face immediate legal challenges. Update: And here come the lawsuits. Update 2: Here is a useful explanatory video.) Update 3: This post is now closed (7:53pm CST 13 Feb). When we get to the "bulldozer going to pile you lot onto the trash" level of discourse, there is no more useful discussion happening.
How does university-based sponsored technical research work in the US? Since WWII, but particularly since the 1960s, many US universities conduct a lot of science and engineering research sponsored by US government agencies, foundations, and industry. By "sponsored", I mean there is a grant or contract between a sponsor and the university that sends funds to the university in exchange for research to be conducted by one or more faculty principal investigators, doctoral students, postdocs, undergrads, staff scientists, etc. When a PI writes a proposal to a sponsor, a budget is almost always required that spells out how much funding is being requested and how it will be spent. For example, a proposal could say, we are going to study superconductivity in 2D materials, and the budget (which comes with a budget justification) says, to do this, I need $37000 per year to pay a graduate research assistant for 12 months, plus $12000 per year for graduate student tuition, plus $8000 in for the first year for a special amplifier, plus $10000 to cover materials, supplies, and equipment usage fees. Those are called direct costs.
In addition, the budget asks for funds to cover indirect costs. Indirect costs are meant to cover the facilities and administrative costs that the university will incur doing the research - that includes things like, maintaining the lab building, electricity, air conditioning, IT infrastructure, research accountants to keep track of the expenses and generate financial reports, etc. Indirect costs are computed as some percentage of some subset of the direct costs (e.g., there are no indirect costs charged on grad tuition or pieces of equipment more expensive than $5K). Indirect cost rates have varied over the years but historically have been negotiated between universities and the federal government. As I wrote eight years ago, "the magic (ahem) is all hidden away in OMB Circular A21 (wiki about it, pdf of the actual doc). Universities periodically go through an elaborate negotiation process with the federal government (see here for a description of this regarding MIT), and determine an indirect cost rate for that university." Rice's indirect cost rate is 56.5% for on-campus fed or industrial sponsored projects. Off-campus rates are lower (if you're really doing the research at CERN, then logically your university doesn't need as much indirect). Foundations historically try to negotiate lower indirect cost rates, often arguing that their resources are limited and paying for administration is not what their charters endorse. The true effective indirect rate for universities is always lower than the stated number because of such negotiations.
PIs are required to submit technical progress reports, and universities are required to submit detailed financial reports, to track these grants.
This basic framework has been in place for decades, and it has resulted in the growth of research universities, with enormous economic and societal benefit. Especially as industrial long term research has waned in the US (another screed I have written before), the university research ecosystem has been hugely important in contributing to modern technological society. We would not have the internet now, for example, if not for federally sponsored research.
Is it ideal? No. Are there inefficiencies? Sure. Should the whole thing be burned down? Not in my opinion, no.
"All universities lose money doing research." This is a quote from my colleague who was provost when I arrived at Rice, and was said to me tongue-in-cheek, but also with more than a grain of truth. If you look at how much it really takes to run the research apparatus, the funds brought in via indirect costs do not cover those costs. I have always said that this is a bit like Hollywood accounting - if research was a true financial disaster, universities wouldn't do it. The fact is that research universities have been willing to subsidize the additional real indirect costs because having thriving research programs brings benefits that are not simple to quantify financially - reputation, star faculty, opportunities for their undergrads that would not exist in the absence of research, potential patent income and startup companies, etc.
Reasonable people can disagree on what is the optimal percentage number for indirect costs. It's worth noting that the indirect cost rate at Bell Labs back when I was there was something close to 100%. Think about that. In a globally elite industrial research environment, with business-level financial pressure to be frugal, the indirect rate was 100%.
The fact is, if indirect cost rates are set too low, universities really will be faced with existential choices about whether to continue to support sponsored research. The overall benefits of having research programs will not outweigh the large financial costs of supporting this business.
Congress has made these true indirect costs steadily higher. Over the last decades, both because it is responsible stewardship and because it's good politics, Congress has passed laws requiring more and more oversight of research expenditures and security. Compliance with these rules has meant that universities have had to hire more administrators - on financial accounting and reporting, research security, tech transfer and intellectual property, supervisory folks for animal- and human-based research, etc. Agencies can impose their own requirements as well. Some large center-type grants from NIH/HHS and DOD require preparation and submission of monthly financial reports.
What did NIH do yesterday? NIH put out new guidance (linked above) setting their indirect cost rate to 15% effective this coming Monday. This applies not just to new grants, but also to awards already underway. There is also a not very veiled threat in there that says, we have chosen for now not to retroactively go back to the start of current awards and ask for funds (already spent) to be returned to us, but we think we would be justified in doing so. The NIH twitter feed proudly says that this change will produce an immediate savings to US taxpayers of $4B.
What does this mean? What are the intended and possible unintended consequences? It seems very likely that other agencies will come under immense pressure to make similar changes. If all agencies do so, and nothing else changes, this will mean tens of millions fewer dollars flowing to typical research universities every year. If a university has $300M annually in federally sponsored research, then that would be generating under the old rules (assume 55% indirect rate) $194M of direct and $106M of indirect costs. If the rate is dropped to 15% and the direct costs stay the same at $194M, then that would generate $29M of indirect costs, a net cut to the university of $77M per year.
There will be legal challenges to all of this, I suspect.
The intended consequences are supposedly to save taxpayer dollars and force universities to streamline their administrative processes. However, given that Congress and the agencies are unlikely to lessen their reporting and oversight requirements, it's very hard for me to see how there can be some radical reduction in accounting and compliance staffs. There seems to be a sentiment that this will really teach those wealthy elite universities a lesson, that with their big endowments they should pick up more of the costs.
One unintended consequence: If this broadly goes through and sticks, universities will want to start making new direct costs. For a grant like the one I described above, you could imagine asking for $1200 per year for electricity, $1000/yr for IT support, $3000/yr for lab space maintenance, etc. This will create a ton of work for lawyers, as there will be a fight over what is or is not an allowable direct cost. This will also create the need for even more accounting types to track all of this. This is the exact opposite of "streamlined" administrative processes.
A second unintended consequence: Universities for whom doing research is financially a lot more of a marginal proposition would likely get out of those activities, if they truly can't recover the costs of operating their offices of research. This is the opposite of improving the situation and student opportunities at the less elite universities.
From a purely real politik perspective that often appeals to legislators: Everything that harms the US research enterprise effectively helps adversaries. The US benefitted enormously after WWII by building a global premier research environment. Risking that should not be done lightly.
Don't panic. There is nothing gained by freaking out. Whatever happens, it will likely be a drawn out process. It's best to be aware of what's happening, educated about what it means, and deliberate in formulating strategies that will preserve research excellence and capabilities.
(So help me, I really want my next post to be about condensed matter physics or nanoscale science!)