Wednesday, February 06, 2019

Brief items

This is the absolute most dense time of the year in terms of administrative obligations, so posting is going to be a bit sparse.  In the meantime, here is a bit of interesting reading:

Scientific American has an interesting article about the fact that two independent means of assessing the Hubble constant (analysis of the cosmic microwave background on one hand; analysis of "standard candles" on the other) disagree well outside the estimated systematic uncertainties.

Kip Thorne posted a biographical reminiscence about John Wheeler on the arxiv.  I haven't read it yet, but it's in my queue.

Quanta Magazine had put up a very well done article about turbulence.  Good stuff.  I liked the animation.


  1. For absolutely no rational reason, I have always been suspicious of the assumption that Type Ia supernova are truly "standard candles", so I claim vindication. :)

  2. I’m with you. That’s always seemed like the weakest link in the reasoning to me, just because supernovae seem like they have to be incredibly complicated, with many variables in play.
