Tuesday, May 16, 2017

More coming, soon.

I will be posting more soon.  I'm in the midst of finally shifting my group webpage to a more modern design.  In the meantime, if there are requests for particular topics, please put them in the comments and I'll see what I can do.

Update:  Victory.  After a battle with weird permissions issues associated with the way Rice does webhosting, it's up here:  natelson.web.rice.edu/group.html

Still a few things that should be updated and cleaned up (including my personal homepage), but the major work is done.


  1. How do you manage your group website? Do you pay a company (one that you would recommend?) Or just do everything yourself? or ask a student to do it?

    Also, how do you manage electronic notebook? Do you use a web interface like WordPress, dokuwiki, etc or something more old school like OneNote or just a bunch of files on a shared drive?

  2. Anonymous7:42 AM

    I'd also like hear from condensed matter physics people who use electronic notebooks in the lab.
    I'm still old-school paper. But for instruments that have multiple users (e.g. SQUID), an electronic instrument notebook could be a nice way of keeping track of what happens to the instrument. I'm hesitant though; the activation energy barrier seems high to me - but maybe that's because I'm old(school)...

  3. Grumpy, I'm an old-school control freak and just do it myself. It doesn't really take much time, though you could argue that what I just did was about 8 years of deferred maintenance. I bought the template from a company, btw. I suspect that a few years from now I'll just migrate to whatever point-and-click hosting platform Rice is using then. (Wordpress is the current one, but I still wanted to do html for now.)

    In terms of file sharing and record keeping, Rice has a good arrangement with Box, and we cloud back up and move around a lot of things that way. We still do an awful lot with pen and paper notebooks. I agree with anon that an electronic logbook for shared instruments should be very cool, but we don't do it for basically the same reasons s/he outlines.

  4. Anonymous9:51 PM

    Group page sometimes renders poorly in Safari, sometimes well. Looks great in Chrome.

    1. Which pages look weird? It seems to render fine for me on safari on iPhone and iPad, though I haven't tried safari on a mac. I do know there can be a cache issue regarding style sheets.
