Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Outside shot

Since the President-Elect has not yet named his science advisor (though his transition team has named point people, and the nominee for Secretary of Energy has impeccable credentials), I thought I'd point out another crucial way that I would fit in. Sure, I'm under 5' 8" tall, but I can (sometimes) shoot; as some of my college friends can attest, I won a gift certificate in undergrad days by sinking a shot from the top of the key at a women's basketball game halftime promo. (For the humor-impaired: I'm not really in the running to be part of the Obama administration.)


  1. Anonymous8:42 PM

    Ok, Vicki is very skeptical. You'll need to figure out if you are taller than Janet Napolitano, and then maybe we can talk.

  2. Down with height-ism!

  3. Looks like John Holdren is going to be the science advisor, though I heard a rumor that you were the runner up.
